Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How should we live

How are we to live as Jesus? If we are little Messiahs, little Jesus’ a reflection of Him, how do we reflect him in the every dayness of our lives? How does it play out in our finances, how we spend our money and what we spend it on? In our awareness of the broken world we live in? In our vocations? How we use our resources? Do we live this life to make it better and more convenient for ourselves? Is that being a reflection of Jesus? Do we live strictly to make our lives more comfortable and more fun and more happy and more easy, more fulfilling, more stable, more financially secure and more and more and more and more……you name it……is this the type of life reflecting the image of Jesus, do we live to take care our families, do we live for our retirements? Is this the life of a disciple of Jesus? How exactly would Jesus live if He were here? Living in my circumstances and situations, living as me? He is actually in me! Would he live in a 5000sq foot house? Would He drive new cars? Would he have a bunch of clothes, jackets and shoes in the closet? Would He have a lot of money in the bank? Would He have plenty to eat? Would the American dream be the goal of Jesus? Would he be living the American dream? Should we? Or would He live in the Kingdom of God and live the God dream, I think you know the answer for that one. Does the light and glory of Jesus outshine my light and glory?? Is my life invisible and Jesus is seen living thru me? Do we know what truly being a disciple means? Even the word disciple in our culture has lost its meaning and understanding from its original significance and accomplishment. Discipleship involves transformation. Discipleship during the times of Jesus, meant a total life transformation, a total committing to be just like the Rabbi Jesus, not just a head knowledge but a life changing, life altering transformation of us into our Rabbi Jesus. We transform into Him, our character becomes His character, our actions His actions, our thoughts His thoughts, our words His words, we become Jesus on earth; we are his hands and feet, eyes and ears, arms and legs, head and shoulders, back and mouth, nose, and everything else. We become Jesus to the world as true talmidim of Jesus. So, we must live as Him and not ourselves. I must die.

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