Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Life if full of different twists, turns, teachings’, preaching’s, readings, and understandings, how can you find the right way to live? Jesus offers the right way to live. By the way of the world the way of Jesus is difficult and hard, even though it can and should be light and easy. What does all this mean? Learn His way to live! This has to be the goal, but can it be a goal? Or just a way to live? How would Jesus live my life if He were me? This is how I should view and live all of life. It is easier said than done. It takes more than will power. It takes the grace of GOD. How can I get the grace of GOD to do this? Sin plays such big part in my life and it should not, I need the grace of GOD to not sin, but how do I get it? I’ve prayed and begged for it, maybe I have it and do not use it, very frustrating. Maybe I have to do things not just wait passively for the Grace of God to overcome this.??? Its very very very discouraging and frustrating to keep doing the same old sins over and over again.

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